The aerosol generator ATM 222 combines selected technical features of the generators ATM 220 and ATM 228 for long-term stable generation of test aerosols, calibration aerosols or process aerosols from pure liquids (oils like DEHS or PAO, water), solutions (salt solution, sugar solutions) and suspensions (A2, PSL). The generator complies to all requirements of VDI 3941-2.
The generator can be operated via a pneumatic cou-pling plug by compressed air or other pressurised technical inert-gases (e.g. with N2, CO2). For the pur-pose of a reproducible and long-term stable aerosol generation, the propellant gas flow is controlled via the pressure drop over the nozzle. This allows also a reproducible and stable operation of the generator even at very low air flow rates and thus also at lowest particle production rates.
- Stable aerosol generation even at lowest particle production rates
- Safe and reproducible adjustment of operating points
- Low noise operation via compressed air or other technical inert-gases (e.g.: N2, CO2)
- Remote control via serial interface (optional)
- Aerosol generation from pure liquids, solutions and suspensions
- Fractional efficiency testing of filter media and filter elements
- Long-term stable generation of test and process aerosols
- Calibration and validation of particle measurement techniques
- For the dispersion of the substance to be aerosolised, the ATM 222 is equipped with a two-substance nozzle designed by the Topas GmbH. The nozzle is operated within the aerosol substance (submerged operation mode) and consists of two inlet ports for the supply of air as well as aerosol sub-stance and one outlet port for the generated primary aerosol.
- The supply of a defined air flow rate causes a negative pressure at the nozzle inlet port for the aerosol substance. The aerosol substance flows thus into the dispersion zone of the nozzle, where aerosol sub-stance and gas flow converge and form a droplet aerosol that passes the aerosol substance within bubbles. Finally, the droplet aerosol that leaves the generator is released due to bubble bursting at the liquid surface.
- Flow rate: 20 … 250 l/h
- Mass flow rate: 0 … 1,4 g/h
- Particle production rate: 4·1002 … 1,4·1010 #/s (Continuously adjustable)
- Aerosol substances: DEHS, PAO (Emery), paraffin oil, salt solutions, suspensions (PSL, A1)
- Substance capacity: 20 … 80 ml
- Non-stop-operation: > 44 h
- Counterpressure: max. 20 kPa
- Aerosol outlet: hose fitting ∅ 8 mm
- Power supply: 12 VDC, 0,4 A
- Compressed air supply: < 5 bar
- Dimensions (w × h × d): 300 × 120 × 195 mm
- Weight: 3,0 kg